Congress Critters Apparently Excepted

If Bush says the sky is blue, people feel compelled to look up and check it out for themselves.

Ted Rall via Common Dreams


  1. i have absolutely no ability to believe anything- and i mean anything that comes out of any of their mouths. it is sad because one day the sky really will be falling and i won't believe it. they lie so easily to get what they want. they don't even pretend to tell the truth anymore. soon it will be that they will just go ahead and tell the truth about how things are- and no one will believe them. sad.

  2. All we can believe from mo$t politician$ is that $ome very determined $pecial intere$t$ (whether one$ we $upport or not) have convinced them that their need$ deserve$ precedence.

    Sad indeed...


  3. if bush says the sky is blue i am inclined to believe it is green

  4. Heh, Michael, in that case the sky is green, alright...

  5. I can't even stand to hear his voice anymore. I cringe when sound bites come on with his voice. I am so disgusted with the man and all of his thugs that I am repelled. He has the voice of a lying raving maniac.

  6. The young lionheart is going to Iraq. While I do hate this whole scene entirely and agree with everything that's been said, I find it a little ... something ... that a twenty-something heir to the throne of England has more balls than that cracker from East Jesus, Tex-ass.

    (and my word verify? "Wwack." LOL!

  7. Listening to the stuff from the administration these days, you'd think they were already doing a parody of the administration. It must really be straining the imaginations of lampooners. But this cartoon is good!

  8. It's getting so not only once any of these people show up on the screen (i tune out) but there's nothing they say can be trusted.

    They say $$$ talks, certainly seems to for these guys, sadly not for the majority of us! ; (

  9. Do we have one exhibit to show that they have ever told the truth about anything?

  10. A handy flow chart I found at Boing Boing :


    House keeping note ... That 2-14 video seems to drive my Firefox crazy.
    I'm using Safari to get on to your page.


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