Carnival of the Godless #26

While I've invariably been reading them, I do keep forgetting to link to them!

A Rational Being presented the 26th wondrous Carnival of the Godless on Saturday and I'm just now gettin' to postin' on't. There's no reason for you not to go as well (nope. "Work" ain't good 'nuff to 'scuse ya!) You'll even find this special site accessory while you're there:
Quote of Note
From ghoulies and ghosties and long leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, good lord deliver us.
- Anglican prayer book
If that's not enough, ARB offers you the chance to write your own Mu Haiku (Ya'll hafta click on the Huge Entity's link to decipher them thar partic'lars.) {-; Us atheists e'en gots us some Culture! ARRRHHHGGG!

PZ Myer's Pharyngula will be the next stop on the Godless Carny road show. Any whove frequented his haunts must be intellectually salivatin' for what he has in store. And don't forget that Cap'n Brent Rasmussen of Unscrewing the Inscrutable is always looking for folk willing to host so hop on o'er to here if you think you've got the skills of a bloggin' Carny.

Ramen! an' be she a scary one fer ye, me buckos!


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