Quote of the Year; So Far . .

Coming to a Planet Under You

"Cities routinely build in the flood plain, That's not an act of God; that's an act of City Council."
Kamyar Enshayan, Cedar Falls, Iowa college professor and City Council member
Actually, in the pic above, that already is a planet under us. Click on the pic to get the description.

And watch out for those pesky "parking lots". According to some apparent Bush appointee* at the National Weather Service (3rd paragraph, page 2) one o' those may be all it takes to cause Costner's Bomb** to flood our backyards.


* ;->

** Don't know why that flick bombed so bad. It sure as shite weren't no Classic, but it was entertaining enough and a gnarly story to boot. Whatevs...


  1. "Cities routinely build in the flood plain, That's not an act of God; that's an act of City Council."


  2. And that was from teh Horse's mouth since dude was One of those Councilman.

    Nice, eh.


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